30 Nov 7 Places You Need to See Before It’s Too Late
The world is facing a number of challenges early in the 21st century, whether it’s climate change, industrialization, or any other manmade or natural factors. Unfortunately, these changes to our landscape happen rapidly, and as a result, some of the most beautiful and unique places on the planet could be greatly changed or disappear altogether.
At Resort Rentals, we urge our customers to travel as much as possible. This world belongs to every one of us, and everyone deserves a chance to see it. We compiled this list of places you need to see so you can add them to your travel list before it’s too late!
1. Venice
The most common example of a disappearing place, Venice is one of Italy’s most popular travel destinations. Its place in history as a center for trade and commerce is paramount, and as a result, its signature canals and Renaissance-era architecture makes it one of the most beautiful places in Europe.
However, Venice has a more sinister problem below its alleys and picturesque waterways. The city, built on 117 islands in the Venetian Lagoon, is also supported by foundations made of limestone and wood, some of which have been submerged for centuries. Sinking foundations and increased flooding due to climate change will make the city uninhabitable sometime this century.
2. Great Barrier Reef
The largest living organism in the world, the Great Barrier Reef encompasses more than 130,000 square miles off the coast of Australia. The reef provides a dynamic ecosystem for thousands of species of marine life, and thus draws scuba divers and snorkelers from all over the world.
Rising sea temperatures and changes to the environment pose a real threat to the reef, however. Pollution is also taking its toll, killing off many of the species around the reef and the reef itself. Some scientists predict that this natural wonder of the world could be gone in the next 100 years.
3. Glacier National Park
One of America’s most jaw-dropping and utterly breathtaking public parks, Glacier National Park in Montana is known for the vast ice glaciers that helped form the North American landscape we know today. However, there’s one problem—the park could be completely devoid of glaciers in the next 15 years.
The park once contained 150 glaciers throughout its grounds. That number is down to just 25 today. Global warming is severely taking a toll on the park and its surroundings. By 2030, there could be no more glaciers for us to see in the park. Even worse, some local species could be without a habitat.
4. The Maldives
You’ve seen the pictures—lush lagoons and sandy beaches, swaying palms against a cloudless sky. Sheer paradise, located right in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The Maldives are one of the world’s most beautiful and relaxing places, as many resorts and luxury retreats have set up shop there. Despite being one of the world’s prettiest places, it is also one of the lowest. The atolls that make up the Maldives stand a mere four feet above sea level, meaning rising ocean waters will soon encompass the tiny island nation completely.
5. Antarctica
Although it is nothing more than a frozen wasteland, Antarctica is one of planet Earth’s most unique places. However, its otherworldliness could be at severe risk from climate change. Ice shelves are melting at rapid rates, and soon many of the continent’s diverse wildlife and marine life could perish altogether. If you’re seeking to set foot on all seven continents in your lifetime, put Antarctic at the top of your list!
6. The Dead Sea
The storied and biblical body of water is not technically a sea, but it is rapidly disappearing either way. Fifty years ago, bordering countries began to divert water from the Dead Sea’s only water source, the Jordan River. As a result, the sea’s volume has decreased by an alarming three feet per year.
Although efforts are underway to replenish the ailing salt lake with waters from the Red Sea, the lake could dry up nonetheless within 40 years. Plan a trip to the Middle East to take a float in the water before it’s too late!
7. Miami
One of the most culturally-diverse and exciting cities in America, Miami is a hub for clubbing, bar hopping, dining, boating, fishing, and so much more. With generations of culture and signature Art Deco architecture at stake, the time to make a trip to the Sunshine State is now. The city is a prominent example of how rising sea levels could disrupt life and displace thousands of people right in our own backyard. By the end of this century, much of Miami Beach, South Beach, and Downtown Miami could be flooded forever.
Also at risk is the nearby area of the Everglades, Florida’s massive wildlife refuge. Climate change and rising sea levels also have the potential to disrupt the unique natural beauty of the region, and could pose a permanent threat to many of Southern Florida’s endemic species.
Book Your Trip Online Today
With the world undergoing rapid changes that could alter the landscape of many place permanently, the time to get out and explore is now! Places you need to see today are waiting, and travel deals to help you get there are also waiting. Check out our inventory of resort rental deals and book luxury accommodations online today.
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