Best Pizza Destinations in 2015 [Infographic]

Some call it “pie.” Some call it “za.” But most call it delicious. Pizza has been a staple of American cuisine for generations, and is the favorite dish of both children and adults alike. Whether it’s a fast food option for parties or get-togethers, or a gourmet dining option in an up-and-coming Italian restaurant, there are few who don’t enjoy grabbing a slice of pizza fresh from the oven.

With so many varieties and styles to choose from, the quest for the best slice of pizza can be a challenging one. Since October is National Pizza Month, we’ve made this infographic outlining some of the best pizza destinations in 2015 to give you an idea of where to go for America’s best slice. So call your local pizza joint, or browse some recipes to try your own—whatever you do, grab some za this October to celebrate!

best pizza destinations

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